Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos | Hispanic Studies | University of Kentucky


Editor-in-Chief: Rebbecca Pittenger, University of Kentucky
Managing Editor: Alice Driver, University of Kentucky

Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos is an annual online, peer-reviewed, and indexed academic journal dedicated to interdisciplinary scholarship on the literary and cultural traditions of the Hispanic world. The journal is a graduate-student production of the Department of Hispanic Studies at the University of Kentucky and publishes original research in both English and Spanish on diverse aspects of the Hispanic world, ranging from the medieval period to the present.

Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos is indexed by MLA Directory of Periodicals and Academic Search Ultimate.

Current Volume: Volume 7 (2019)
Migration in 20th and 21st Century Spain and Latin America
Migración en España y Latinoamerica en los siglos XX y XXI

Introduction to the Seventh Volume

Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, migration has been a political theme that carries over into novels, theater, movies, and other cultural artefacts. Considering the recent anti-immigration sentiment that vividly marks global politics and social movements, we asked contributors to this volume of Nomenclatura: Aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos to explore the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality and other cultural and personal aspects as they mark migratory journeys in different cultural artefacts as well as from different disciplinary perspectives. The result is a collection of essays and interviews which delve into rhetorical analyses of how Ecuatorian migrants are depicted in Spanish novels, maintaining Gallego in Latin America and considerations of migratory flows to and from Mexico and Peru. Via close textual analysis, historical considerations, and theoretical reflections they contribute to the varying perspectives that shape our understanding of migration in all its complexity throughout the Hispanic world.

A lo largo de los siglos XX y XXI, la migración ha sido un tema político que se ve plasmado en novelas, teatro, cine y otros artefactos culturales. Considerando el sentimiento anti-migratorio que permea el panorama político global y los movimientos sociales, pedimos a los colaboradores de este número de Nomenclatura: Aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos explorar las intersecciones de raza, clase, género, sexualidad y otros aspectos culturales y personales que afectan los flujos migratorios en el mundo hispánico desde diferentes perspectivas disciplinarias. El resultado ha sido una colección de ensayos y entrevistas que hacen un análisis retórico sobre los migrantes ecuatorianos en la novela española, el mantenimiento del gallego en América Latina y consideraciones sobre los viajes migratorios desde y hacia México y Perú. A través del análisis textual, las consideraciones históricas y las reflexiones teóricas, se contribuye a las múltiples perspectivas que conforman nuestro entendimiento de la migración en toda su complejidad en el mundo hispánico.

Juan Fernández Cantero and Sharrah Lane


From “Home” to Interdisciplinarity: An Interview with Cristina Alcalde
Cristina Alcalde, Juan Fernandez Cantero, and Sharrah Lane