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An isogenic population of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) plants was developed by two methods; regeneration after long term tissue culture and plant transformation with an antisense chalcone synthase gene. Tannin (proanthocyanidin) content could be dramatically increased in untransformed callus by long term culture, but was not significantly altered in regenerating plantlets. Some of the mature transgenic plants had dramatically reduced levels of leaf tannin. The antisense gene was eliminated from all transgenic plants later in development.



Genetic Manipulation of Sainfoin Leaf Tannins

An isogenic population of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) plants was developed by two methods; regeneration after long term tissue culture and plant transformation with an antisense chalcone synthase gene. Tannin (proanthocyanidin) content could be dramatically increased in untransformed callus by long term culture, but was not significantly altered in regenerating plantlets. Some of the mature transgenic plants had dramatically reduced levels of leaf tannin. The antisense gene was eliminated from all transgenic plants later in development.