Heritage Hog Carcass Yields
Husbandry of the Hogs:
Seven piglets from each of the eight breeds in this study were transported to Berea College from various sources and grown out on pasture to market weight. The 1.5 acre pasture consisted primarily of fescue with some other grasses and broadleaf weeds present. Three hoop shelters with deep bedding and one shade tree provided protection from sun, wind, and rain. Free-choice feed, consisting of ground corn, soybean, and Fertrell swine premix, and water were available at all times. They were harvested and processed in three groups based on when they achieved market weight and a slot was available at the University of Kentucky meats lab.
Principle Investigator:
- Bob Perry, Chef in Residence, Dietetics and Human Nutrition, University of Kentucky
- Stephen Patton, Agricultural Communications, University of Kentucky
Design & Layout:
- Kevin T. Brumfield
- Dr. Gregg Rentfrow, staff and students at the University of Kentucky Meats Lab
- Jay Denham, Chef and Curemaster, The Curehouse, Louisville, Kentucky
- Chefs Justin Dean and Steve Geddes, Relish Restaurant Group, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Dr. Sean Clark, staff and students at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky
- The Livestock Conservancy, Pittsboro, North Carolina
- Ronny and Beth Drennan, Broadbent Country Hams, Kuttawa, Kentucky
This research was funded by a USDA Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant, with additional funding and support by the University of Kentucky Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition.
Submissions from 2014
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: American Guinea Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Gloucestershire Old Spots Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Hereford Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Large Black Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Mulefoot Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Ossabaw Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Red Wattle Hog, Bob Perry
Heritage Hog Carcass Yields: Tamworth Hog, Bob Perry