India Through the Eyes of Ellen Churchill Semple



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From the back of the card: “The Parsis are among the most enterprising people of India and readily embrace the advantages of English Education. They are a most influential community, being principally landowners and merchants. Parsi women dress in a most picturesque manner and often are very beautiful.”

Parisis are followers of Parsi (also known as Zoroastrianism) and comprise less than 0.02% of the Indian population. The rich Parsi families contributed enormously to establish institutions of all kinds in India. Even today some of the bigger finance houses in India belong to followers of this religion.

This card was produced by British designer Raphael Tuck who in 1903 launched his “Oilette” series of cards, cards that had a surface designed to look like miniature oil paintings.

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Special Collections Research Center, University of Kentucky Libraries

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