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Language: Persian

Dated: Hijri calendar (1252); Gregorian calendar (1836 AD)

UK Special Collections Arabic Script Codex #15

This manuscript dates from 1252 in the Hijri calendar and is a fine example of the first work of Persian poet and writer Saadi Shirazi –widely known as Sa’di (d. 1291 AD). The Fruit Orchard, or Bostan in Persian, consists of anecdotes that convey Sa’di’s insight into human psychology and interaction. The book of poetry is written in rhyming couplets, and Sa’di completed the original in 1257 AD. Sa’di’s works have been translated into several languages, and his examinations of ethics and cultural mores have inspired essayists, poets, historians, and world leaders since his late 13th century writing.

This 21 cm manuscript is bound in gilt embossed brown leather with a cover flap.

Curation Date


Photo Source

Special Collections Research Center, University of Kentucky Libraries


Middle East, Calligraphic manuscripts, Fruit Orchard


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