
This is one of the oldest styles, since red, yellow, and black thread were the more available early on. This demonstrates innovation of indigenous women weavers once the Singer sewing machines arrived on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the late nineteenth century/early twentieth century. Women experimented with all kinds of designs. In Juchitán, this style is called “de cadenilla” (of little chains) and in Tehuantepec, it is called “de máquina,” (machine made). This has three golpes (hits) using two different patterns alternating in rectangular form on black piel de angel (angel skin) material. All huipiles are lined inside with cotton to make them cooler in the intense heat of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. This huipil could be worn for fiestas with a skirt with the same designs and colors. Today women are innovating with all kinds of materials for skirts. It is also good for daily wear (cotidiano), often with a long, ankle-length plain or floral designed skirt.
Curation Date
Photo Source
Huipil from the collection of Dr. Francie Chassen-López. Photo taken by the University of Kentucky Libraries.
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