
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

14-5-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

14-5-2024 11:30 AM


A series of fly ash-based mining materials have been developed, such as consolidation material, spraying material, back-filling material, sealing material, waterproof material. These mining materials have been applied and promoted in coal mines. The solid waste content of back-filling material exceed 90%, providing low-cost and high efficient filling solution for backfill mining. This high barrier technical solution creates great economic and social benefits. Consolidation material have outstanding properties of inherent non-combustibility, water resistance, chemical stability and low cost. This new technology thoroughly solved the major safety hazards of high reaction temperature and easy combustion in mainstream products. The technology of spraying material, breaks through the technical bottleneck of high fly ash content, which was easy to be applied. The material rebound rate has been reduced significantly, and the sealing effect is excellent in the mining applications.

Document Type



May 14th, 11:00 AM May 14th, 11:30 AM

Novel Mining Materials Based on Coal Solid Waste

Grand Rapids, Michigan

A series of fly ash-based mining materials have been developed, such as consolidation material, spraying material, back-filling material, sealing material, waterproof material. These mining materials have been applied and promoted in coal mines. The solid waste content of back-filling material exceed 90%, providing low-cost and high efficient filling solution for backfill mining. This high barrier technical solution creates great economic and social benefits. Consolidation material have outstanding properties of inherent non-combustibility, water resistance, chemical stability and low cost. This new technology thoroughly solved the major safety hazards of high reaction temperature and easy combustion in mainstream products. The technology of spraying material, breaks through the technical bottleneck of high fly ash content, which was easy to be applied. The material rebound rate has been reduced significantly, and the sealing effect is excellent in the mining applications.