
No-till corn is best adapted to well drained soils. It is on these soils that no-till has been most successful and the practice most widely accepted. On soils that are moderately well to somewhat poorly drained, no-till corn can also be successful but more management is required. Three areas which require more attention are weed control, nitrogen management and planting. It has long been recognized that no-tilling results in cooler soil temperatures which can delay and reduce seed germination and seedling emergence. Additional research also indicates that diseases which attack the corn seedling in the emergence stage are more prevalent in no-till stands. These diseases are most active when the soil is both wet and cold, thus causing an already slowly growing seedling greater potential stress. It is presently recommended that no-till corn producers delay the start of planting four to five days on well drained soils to allow these cooler soils to warm sufficiently.

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