Submissions from 2020
On the Feasibility of Electrification for Large Mobile Cranes, Donovin Lewis, Damien Lawhorn, and Dan M. Ionel
Design Optimization and Comparison of Direct-Drive Outer-Rotor SRMs Based on Fast Current Profile Estimation and Transient FEA, Vandana Rallabandi, Peng Han, Jie Wu, Aaron M. Cramer, Dan M. Ionel, and Ping Zhou
Evaluating the Effects of Electric and Magnetic Loading on the Performance of Single and Double Rotor Axial Flux PM Machines, Narges Taran, Greg Heins, Vandana Rallabandi, Dean Patterson, and Dan M. Ionel
An Overview of Methods and a New Three-Dimensional FEA and Analytical Hybrid Technique for Calculating AC Winding Losses in PM Machines, Narges Taran, Dan M. Ionel, Vandana Rallabandi, Greg Heins, and Dean Patterson
Systematically Exploring the Effects of Pole Count on the Performance and Cost Limits of UltraHigh Efficiency Fractional hp Axial Flux PM Machines, Narges Taran, Vandana Rallabandi, Greg Heins, and Dan M. Ionel
Electric Drives with Wide Bandgap Devices for Two-Phase Very Low Inductance Machines, Yibin Zhang, Damien Lawhorn, Peng Han, Aaron M. Cramer, and Dan M. Ionel
Submissions from 2019
Measurement and Estimation of the Equivalent Circuit Parameters for Multi-MW Battery Systems, Oluwaseun M. Akeyo, Vandana Rallabandi, Nicholas Jewell, and Dan M. Ionel
Modeling and Simulation of a Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage System, Oluwaseun M. Akeyo, Vandana Rallabandi, Nicholas Jewell, and Dan M. Ionel
Smart Plug and Circuit Breaker Technologies for Residential Buildings in the US, Rosemary E. Alden, Peng Han, and Dan M. Ionel
Load Variation Reduction by Aggregation in a Community of Rooftop PV Residences, Huangjie Gong, Vandana Rallabandi, and Dan M. Ionel
On the Optimal Energy Controls for Large Scale Residential Communities Including Smart Homes, Huangjie Gong, Vandana Rallabandi, Michael L. McIntyre, and Dan M. Ionel
Optimal Combinations of Utility Level Renewable Generators for a Net Zero Energy Microgrid Considering Different Utility Charge Rates, Evan S. Jones, Huangjie Gong, and Dan M. Ionel
Overview of Flywheel Systems for Renewable Energy Storage with a Design Study for High-Speed Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Machines, Murat G. Kesgin, Peng Han, Narges Taran, and Dan M. Ionel
Electric Aircraft System Co-Simulation Including Body, Propeller, Propulsion, and Energy Storage Models, Damien Lawhorn, Vandana Rallabandi, and Dan M. Ionel
Incorporating Battery Energy Storage Systems Into Multi-MW Grid Connected PV Systems, Vandana Rallabandi, Oluwaseun M. Akeyo, Nicholas Jewell, and Dan M. Ionel
Axial-Field Vernier-Type Flux Modulation Machines for Low-Speed Direct-Drive Applications, Vandana Rallabandi, Peng Han, Murat G. Kesgin, Narges Taran, and Dan M. Ionel
Inductance Testing for IPM Synchronous Machines According to the New IEEE Std 1812 and Typical Laboratory Practices, Vandana Rallabandi, Narges Taran, Dan M. Ionel, and Ping Zhou
Systematic Comparison of Two Axial Flux PM Machine Topologies: Yokeless and Segmented Armature versus Single Sided, Narges Taran, Greg Heins, Vandana Rallabandi, Dean Patterson, and Dan M. Ionel
A Hybrid Analytical and FE-Based Method for Calculating AC Eddy Current Winding Losses Taking 3D Effects into Account, Narges Taran and Dan M. Ionel
WAVED: A Coreless Axial Flux PM Motor for Drive Systems with Constant Power Operation, Narges Taran, Vandana Rallabandi, and Dan M. Ionel
A Comparative Study of Methods for Calculating AC Winding Losses in Permanent Magnet Machines, Narges Taran, Vandana Rallabandi, Dan M. Ionel, Greg Heins, and Dean Patterson
Design Optimization of Electric Machines with 3D FEA and a New Hybrid DOE-DE Numerical Algorithm, Narges Taran, Vandana Rallabandi, Dan M. Ionel, Greg Heins, Dean Patterson, and Ping Zhou
A Systematic Study on the Effects of Dimensional and Materials Tolerances on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on the IEEE Std 1812, Narges Taran, Vandana Rallabandi, Dan M. Ionel, Ping Zhou, Mark Theile, and Greg Heins
On the Control of a Solid State Transformer for Multi-MW Utility-Scale PV-Battery Systems, Yibin Zhang, Oluwaseun M. Akeyo, Jiangbiao He, and Dan M. Ionel
Modeling and Control of a Multiport Converter Based EV Charging Station with PV and Battery, Yibin Zhang, Jiangbiao He, and Dan M. Ionel