Submissions from 2003
HDL-Associated Estradiol Stimulates Endothelial NO Synthase and Vasodilation in an SR-BI–Dependent Manner, Ming Gong, Melinda E. Wilson, Thomas Kelly, Wen Su, James Dressman, Jeanie Kincer, Sergey V. Matveev, Ling Guo, Theresa Guerin, Xiang-An Li, Weifei Zhu, Annette M. Uittenbogaard, and Eric J. Smart
Sex Education in the Schools: What Role Does it Play?, Darby H. McElderry and Hatim A. Omar
Our Adolescents--Our Future, Hatim A. Omar
Adolescent Violence Prevention: A Case Presentation, Hatim A. Omar and Joan Griffith
Educating Adolescents about Puberty: What are we Missing?, Hatim A. Omar, Darby H. McElderry, and Rana M. Zakharia
Submissions from 2002
Effectiveness of Current Therapy of Bacterial Vaginosis, Petya M Andreeva and Hatim A. Omar
Retrospective Analysis of Youth Evaluated for Suicide Attempt or Suicidal Ideation in an Emergency Room Setting, Julie Hagedorn and Hatim A. Omar
Improved Continuation Rate of Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Adolescent Mothers, Hatim A. Omar, Amy Fowler, and Sandy D'Angelo
Submissions from 2001
Attitudes Towards Guns: Associations with Alcohol Use and Impulsive Behaviors, Catherine A. Martin, Arch G. Mainous, Harriett H. Ford, Rosalie Mainous, Susan Slade, David Martin, and Hatim A. Omar
Labial Adhesion as a Complication of Primary Genital Herpes in Young Women, Hatim A. Omar
Mysterious Rectal Bleeding in a Female Adolescent, Hatim A. Omar
Submissions from 2000
Estrogen-Induced Relaxation in Bovine Coronary Arteries in vitro: Evidence for a New Mechanism, Jelica D. J. Kalenic, Rolando J. Ramirez, Stanley Einzig, William A. Neal, and Hatim A. Omar
Cervical Pathology in West Virginia Adolescents, Hatim A. Omar, Patricia Callahan, Sanu Aggarwal, Kathaleen Perkins, and Kathy Young
Submissions from 1999
Insulin-Like Growth Factor II Signaling in Neoplastic Proliferation Is Blocked by Transgenic Expression of the Metalloproteinase Inhibitor Timp-1, David C. Martin, John L. Fowlkes, Bojana Babic, and Rama Khokha
Adolescent Violence as Viewed by High School Students, Hatim A. Omar
Nebulized Nitroglycerin in Children with Pulmonary Hypertension Secondary to Congenital Heart Disease, Hatim Omar, Fangqi Gong, Mei Y. Sun, and Stanley Einzig