Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)


Fine Arts




Dr. Olivia Yinger


Music therapy students engage in a variety of academic and clinical opportunities within their music therapy education. There are options for students who want to gain the basic training for certification in music therapy, either bachelor’s, or equivalency for students with a bachelor’s degree in a related field. Previous research has been used to analyze the experiences of students and educators throughout education, with no research focusing specifically on the master’s equivalency population. Within this study, semi-structured interviews were used to gain qualitative data analyzing music therapy students’ perceptions of academic and internship curricula and their effects on the transition into the role of professional music therapists. A total of three master’s equivalency students from a university in the southeastern region participated. Findings provide the perspectives of these three students, gaining information on successes, challenges, and aspects of their education that affected their transition into the profession of music therapy. All respondents discussed (a) ways in which they increased confidence over the course of their music therapy training, (b) the theoretical orientation of their clinical and academic supervisors, and (c) the process of treatment planning and learning repertoire. When describing the transition from student to professional, all respondents mentioned the rewards and challenges associated with finding clients and how they developed preferences for specialized practice.

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Music Therapy Commons
