Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)


Fine Arts




Dr. Alaine Reschke-Hernández


Music in early childhood can enhance the development of communication, language, cognitive, and social emotional skills. Music therapy administered by a board-certified music therapist can be tailored to fit the specific developmental needs of children with and without disabilities. The purpose of this comprehensive clinical project was to develop a music therapy program for the Early Learning Center at the Lexington Hearing and Speech Center and a grant proposal to fund this program. First, I piloted a mini program through my Graduate Clinical Placement in Music Therapy (MUS 633) and supervisory experiences through my teaching assistantship. I then developed a program proposal that originated from an assignment in MUS 630: Medical Music Therapy. I tailored that program based on iterative feedback from various sources and based on the needs of the center identified by communication with the Director of the Early Learning Center. The program is grounded in the Affirmative Model of Disability, and I incorporated information gleaned from the Therapeutic Function of Music process to develop the music therapy components. Once I established the refined program proposal, I searched for an appropriate funding source for nonprofit organizations. After I identified an appropriate funding source (Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc.), I completed the grant application and received and reflected on feedback from various professional sources and my thesis chair. The completed clinical project is a detailed process on how I developed a music therapy program and grant proposal for an inclusive early learning center and a reflection on what I learned and the barriers I faced while completing this project. Music therapists may use this project as a model for program development and funding acquisition.

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