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Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Fine Arts




Dr. Michael Hudson


The purpose of this instrumental multiple case study was to learn about middle school band directors’ perceptions of successful recruitment strategies. Specific areas of focus included insight on why middle school children choose band, successful recruitment activities/events, involvement of directors in the recruitment process, and advice for support in situations where an individual may be the only band director in the district. Six participants, two from Kentucky, two from West Virginia, and two from Virginia, were selected using purposive sampling criterion. Criterion for selecting participants at the time of the study were: (a) they were middle school band directors, (b) had taught at least three years, (c) taught in a rural county school system in Kentucky, West Virginia, or Virginia, and (d) were willing to participate fully in this study. The interviews occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in conversations pertaining to recruiting for middle school band when school is not in session.

Data included six semi-structured interviews, a researcher journal, and documents, such as: recruitment brochures, flyers, notes and handouts sent home to families, and written documents from the teacher explaining their recruitment strategies and success rates. Data collected were organized and coded using MAXQDA (VERBI Software, 2019) software. Data were coded initially into categories by research question then further by broader theme. Five primary themes emerged: (1) factors that influence recruitment, (2) recruitment events, (3) documentation and communication, (4) sources of support, and (5) COVID-19.

This study should be used to assist educators teaching in a rural community. Educators can and should use this document as a resource to grow their respective program and share the joy of making music with others. Directors may take the ideas presented here and adapt them to fit the individual needs of their programs.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
