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Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mining Engineering (MSMIE)




Mining Engineering


Dr. Zach Agioutantis


The development of mining subsidence has a dynamic character, and it is related to the mining rate and a time coefficient. Reliable prediction of dynamic deformations is important when planning to undermine important structures that cannot account for large relative deformations and or large horizontal strains. This thesis discusses subsidence development for a number of points over a retreating longwall panel in the eastern US. The prediction points are at different distances from the excavation rib and, therefore, present a different response in terms of dynamic movements. Final movements, i.e., measurements after the panel was fully extracted, were used to calibrate a model for final subsidence. At the same time, the dynamic movements collected for each monitoring point, i.e., the movements as a function of time and horizontal distance between the face and each point, were used to check the accuracy of predictions for each location. The formulation is based on the influence function method as implemented in the Surface Deformation Prediction System (SDPS). Results show that the subsidence development curve may be reliably predicted for surface points in the middle of the panel. However, when surface points are close to the excavation rib, the calculation (prediction) of ground deformation indices is affected by the magnitude of the edge effect offset.

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