Submissions from 2007
A Non-Canonical Pattern of Deponency and Its Implications, Gregory Stump
Submissions from 2006
Language Ideology and Racial Inequality: Competing Functions of Spanish in an Anglo-owned Mexican Restaurant, Rusty Barrett
Evolving Secondary Colours: Evidence from Sorbian, Andrew R. Hippisley and Ian Davies
Submissions from 2005
Five Oxlajuuj Keej Mayab’ Ajtz’iib’ (OKMA) Grammars, Rusty Barrett
A Typological Database of Suppletion, Greville Corbett, Dunstan Brown, Marina Chumakina, and Andrew R. Hippisley
The head-modifier principle and multilingual term extraction, Andrew R. Hippisley, David Cheng, and Khurshid Ahmad
A Method for Automating the Extraction of Specialized Information from the Web, Ling Lin, Antonio Liotta, and Andrew R. Hippisley
Referrals and Morphomes in Sora Verb Inflection, Gregory Stump
Some Criticisms of Carstairs-McCarthy's Conclusions, Gregory Stump
Word-formation vs Inflectional Morphology, Gregory Stump
Submissions from 2004
"Competing Conceptions of Globalization" Revisited: Relocating the Tension Between World-Systems Analysis and Globalization Analysis, Thomas Clayton
Historical Changes in the Russian Lexicon: The Incidence of Alternating Suppletivism, Marina Eduardovna Čumakina, Andrew R. Hippisley, and Greville Corbett
Suppletion: Frequency, categories and distribution of stems, Andrew R. Hippisley, Marina Chumakina, Greville Corbett, and Dunstan Brown
A Natural Language Approach to Information Management: Tracking Scientific Advances through the Structure of Words, Andrew R. Hippisley and Chara Karavasili
Submissions from 2003
Un estudio sociolingüístico sobre la influencia castellana en el orden de palabras en Sipakapense, Rusty Barrett
Protestant Language Use in 17th Century Slovakia in a Diglossia Framework, Mark Richard Lauersdorf
Submissions from 2002
The Huehuetenango Sprachbund and Mayan Language Standardization in Guatemala, Rusty Barrett
Chinese Special Languages and the Notion of Headedness, Andrew R. Hippisley, David Cheng, and Khurshid Ahmad
Slovak Standard Language Development in the 15th–18th Centuries: A Diglossia Approach, Mark Richard Lauersdorf
Submissions from 2001
Basic BLUE in East Slavonic, Andrew R. Hippisley
Suppletion, frequency and lexical storage., Andrew R. Hippisley
Hierarchical data and the derivational relationship between words, Andrew R. Hippisley, Mariam Tariq, and David Chang
[Review of] Die slavischen Sprachen in Gegenwart und Geschichte: Sprachstrukturen und Verwandschaft, Mark Richard Lauersdorf
Inflectional Morphology: A Theory of Paradigm Structure, Gregory T. Stump
Submissions from 2000
Training Teachers of Slavic LCTLs: Student Profiles and Program Design, Mark Richard Lauersdorf