Blog Posts from 2024
Less is More: The Thoroughbred Breeding Industry and the Need for a Stallion Cap, Jared Abrahams
Congress Cries over Spilt Milk: Big Dairy's Influence in School Cafeterias Questioned, Madison Boggs
Whiskey Fungus: The Kentucky Courts' Ticking Timebomb, Phillip Burress
The Problem with the Bluegrass Station Airport Project and Eminent Domain, Caroline Butler
Protected Predators: The Double-Edged Talons of Black Vultures in the Livestock Industry, Camille Camp
Supreme Court Qualifier? Horseracing’s Potential SCOTUS Showdown, Christian T. Deeter
Prop 12 – Should Congress Stay Silent?, Ashton Edwards
Cut the Tax: What Rescheduling Marijuana Could Mean for Section 280E and Cannabis-Related Businesses, Antonio C. Ellzey
It’s Getting Hot in Here, So Turn Off All Your (Gas) Stoves, Antonio C. Ellzey
Planning for the Future: How Kentucky Legislatures are Balancing Government Regulation of Solar and the Rights of Landowners, Julia Giordano
Green Gold Rush: Unveiling the Ecological and Social Impact of Avocado Production in Michoacán, Mexico, Jose S. Herrera
Youth Climate Cases: Inspirations and Challenges, Yuha Jung
The Future of Cruise Ships and Environmental Regulations, Sydney Larue
Plows vs. Panels: Community Opposition to Solar Farm Projects, Daniel Martell
An Industry with Tied Hands: A Call for Kentucky Legislation Establishing Farmers' Right to Repair, Will Miller
Serving Drama for Dinner: The Controversy of the Proposed EATS Act, Shelton Owen
Manning Up: Reclassifying the Florida Manatee, Matthew Pakkala
Color at a Cost: Why the United States Should Ban Synthetic Food Dyes, Julia Ray
A New Breed of Handicappers in Town: The Effects of AI on the Horse Racing Industry, Lauren K. Repa
Promoting Agricultural Innovation: A Research Exemption from Patent Infringement, Nathaniel Richey
Kentucky Legislature Rightfully Rescinds the Acreage Requirement for Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Daniel Short
The Solution or the Problem: Decarbonization in the Healthcare Industry, Sallie Sutton
All the King's Horses . . . Filed a Lawsuit?: A Call for Statutory Standing to be Extended to Animals, Sarah Turri
Whiskey Business: Utilizing Certification Marks to Protect Intellectual Property and Promote Authenticity within the Whiskey Industry, Stevi Whitman
Reeling in Chevron: Supreme Court Faced with Fishing Industry's Regulatory Challenge, Kaitlyn Willis
Blog Posts from 2023
A Rise in Climate Litigation: A Warning to the Fashion Industry, Abigail Barford
Keep our Equines SAFE, Edwin Beusch
Let's Play Charades: Students for Fair Admissions' Threat to Environmental Justice, Brooklyn Brown
The Kentucky Coal Severance Tax: Helping or Harming the Kentucky Coal Industry?, Lauren Chugg
Ignoring the Alternative: Why Kentucky Heartwood is Unlikely to Stop Logging in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Cameron Coyle
Call to the Post: End the Halt on HISA, Christian T. Deeter
The Exciting Technology of Carbon Capture is Capturing Too Many Taxpayer Dollar, Erik Farleigh
Rescue or Theft: How a Test Case Involving Piglets May Change the Legal Strategy of Animal Welfare, Julia Giordano
No Wine Left behind: Why the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation must Insure Smoke Taint Grapes, Stephanie Gonzalez
A Controversial Legal Round-Up, Shawn Harkins
Keeping Up with Fast Fashion: A Call for U.S. Action Before it’s too Late, Abbigale Harrison
Loosening the Grip of Homeowners’ Associations Over Solar Panel Installations: The Need for More and Better Legislation, Isabel Harrison
Protecting Pigs: Why Proposition Twelve Should Be Upheld, Matthew Hayes
Building a More Sustainable Future: How Traditional Architecture can Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Buildings, John Hayman
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Uranium, Leen Heresh
Legal Sports Betting in Kentucky, Caroline Hood
Keep the Rain Falling: Considerations for the Colorado River Basin Cloud Seeding Agreement, Mary Jocelyn
Sizing Up Bears Ears National Monument: A New Take on the Antiquities Act, Mary Jocelyn
Sustainable Practices of the Bourbon Industry in Times of Climate Change, Yuha Jung
Own Worst Enemy: Federal Permitting Impedes Plans for Clean Energy, Dylan Keefe
Avoiding Palm Oil at the Supermarket: Why Your Toothpaste Might be Causing Deforestation, Sydney Larue
Which Way Will the Wind Blow?: The Future of Wind Farms and Their Environmental Impacts, Jenny Lohr
Your Beauty is their Pain: An Urge for the U.S. to Ban Animal Testing in Cosmetics, Grace McDonald
The Intersection of Solar, Shade and Soil: How the Practice of Agrivoltaics Could Solve Nationwide Problems, Abbey Norvell
The Inflation Reduction Act: Building Momentum for Nuclear Energy, Abby Noser
Agriculture's Best Kept Secrets: The Potential Harm of the FTC's Proposed Non-Compete Ban, Shelton Owen
Blowing Smoke: The Problem with Conditional Cannabis in the Commonwealth, Matthew Pakkala
Closer to Zero: A Call for FDA Action to Reduce Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food Products, McKinley Pitts
Haste Makes Waste: Courts Volley Over BLM Waste Rule Flip-Flopping, Justin Potter
Control the Pests: Why FIFRA Falls Short of Protecting Public Health and the Environment, Julia Ray
An Effort to Improve the Integrity of the “USDA Organic” Label: The USDA’s New Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule, Nathaniel Richey
Why the Agricultural Labor Shortage Is More Serious Than You Realized, Emily Riggs
Surface Mine Reclamation: A Better Alternative, Braydan Roark
Changing the Landscape: The Blossoming ESG Industry, Garrison Rosser
"In Any Court": Discovery Stays under the Securities Act of 1933, Blake Sims
Horse Parks as CAFOs will Change the Equine Industry: How Kentucky Should Respond, BaIley Truitt
Conservation or Exploitation?: Restricting Conservation Easement Syndicates, Joseph White
Public Trust and Private Distrust: A Story of Fishing and Fighting, Joseph White
A New Era of Permitting: Why Revising Section 10 of the ESA is Necessary for Conservation Efforts, Kaitlyn Willis
Blog Posts from 2022
High Expectations for Delta-8 Companies and Their Futures, Cori Agnoni
Why Coal Company Negligence may Have Contributed to Extreme Flooding in Eastern Kentucky, Aaron Ambrose
Step the FERC Up: Build the National Energy Grid, Omer Arain
Let's Get "Chemical": The EPA's Expansion of Hazardous Substances to Mitigate Forever Chemical Contamination, Lindsay Bates
Say Nay to Drugs, Edwin Beusch
What Lurks Behind TikTok Skin Care Trends: Destruction & Desperation in Myanmar’s Jade Mines, Brooklyn Brown
Why a Tax Credit Is Necessary if Kentucky Aspires to Become a Leader in the Electric Vehicle Sector, Jimmy Brown
Displacement of Farmlands and Forests: The Downside to Ground-Based Solar Infrastructures, Caroline Butler
Left with Major Questions: Administrative Law Lessons from West Virginia v. EPA, Evan Callahan
A Win for New Mexico Recreation Users, but at What Cost to Private Landowners?, Deiona Camargo
Don't Put Lipstick on a Guinea Pig: The U.S. has the Chance to Reduce Animal Testing Globally through the Humane Cosmetics Act, Autumn Clark
The Rising and Setting of the Sun: Why Recycling Legislation is Necessary for Solar Energy to be Truly Sustainable, Samantha Davenport
Stop Sweeping Homeless Encampments, Erik Farleigh
Tradition or Safety? If the Riding Boot Doesn’t Fit, Don’t Wear It, Julianna Grant
Cryptocurrency: The Good, the Bad, and the Light at the End of the Tunnel, Leen Heresh
ERCOT and How Texas’ Deregulation of Their Electrical Market Exacerbated the Winter Storm Blackouts, Lilly Keitges
Lost in Translation: Why America Needs to Remember the Purpose of the Antiquities Act, Georgiana Ledford
The Pros and Cons of Soil Tilling, Gabby Mason
Forever Chemicals Mean Forever Problems: How the PFAS Action Act of 2021 Can Help, Breanna McKnight
A Warning Letter to the FDA: Why We Need Cannabis Regulation, Kenneth McQueen Jr.
The Fight over Tribal Authority under the Clean Water Act, Zachary Mills
The Federal Land Leasing Program and the Possibility of Pausing for Climate Change, Abby Noser
We're not in Kansas Anymore:The New 'Tornado Alley' and Kentucky's Ongoing Fight Against Climate Change, Trevor Payton
Bankruptcy and the Billion Dollar Baby Powder, Nicola Peters
How can the Government Ensure a Safe and Healthy Environment Throughout the Lasting Effects of COVID?, Emily Riggs
Funding Kentucky's Forests: Proposing a Timber Yield Tax, Braydan Roark
What the Frack: Why Fracking Chemicals Should Be Disclosed, Gracie Sandlin
Real Hooves, Fake Names, and NFT Snouts: Enforcement of Horse Trademarks, Zack Stacy
WOTUS and the Future of Wetland Protection, Seth Stroud
Low Hide Prices Are Impacting the Meat Industry: Increasing the Economic Value of the Hide and Leather Market, Ryan Stuart