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10-26-2021 10:15 AM


Weeds reduce the quantity and the stand life of desirable forage plants in pastures and diminish the palatability and quality of the forages available for livestock grazing. In some situations, certain weed species are potentially poisonous to grazing animals. The aesthetic value of a pasture is also impacted by weeds. Therefore, it is often desirable to implement weed management strategies that reduce the impact of weeds on pasture productivity.


Oct 26th, 10:15 AM

An Integrated Approach to Weed Management in Pastures

Weeds reduce the quantity and the stand life of desirable forage plants in pastures and diminish the palatability and quality of the forages available for livestock grazing. In some situations, certain weed species are potentially poisonous to grazing animals. The aesthetic value of a pasture is also impacted by weeds. Therefore, it is often desirable to implement weed management strategies that reduce the impact of weeds on pasture productivity.