Start Date

2-28-2002 9:15 AM


Alfalfa is the highest quality, highest yielding and arguably the highest value forage crop in Kentucky and in the US. It is useful as hay, haylage or pasture for a variety of species of livestock. It is well adapted to Kentucky and is an important part of the forage/livestock system.

Alfalfa breeders are actively working to develop varieties that will meet and exceed farmer expectations for yield and persistence. In addition, other traits are sought after to make the variety meet a special need or to have better marketability or attraction to the customer.

So what will the alfalfa of the future look like? The purpose of this paper is to offer some ideas of general direction of major breeding efforts of alfalfa and to make farmers aware of what to expect in the near or more distant future.


Feb 28th, 9:15 AM

Advances in Alfalfa Breeding — What Will the Alfalfa Variety of the Future Smell, Taste, Look and Act Like?

Alfalfa is the highest quality, highest yielding and arguably the highest value forage crop in Kentucky and in the US. It is useful as hay, haylage or pasture for a variety of species of livestock. It is well adapted to Kentucky and is an important part of the forage/livestock system.

Alfalfa breeders are actively working to develop varieties that will meet and exceed farmer expectations for yield and persistence. In addition, other traits are sought after to make the variety meet a special need or to have better marketability or attraction to the customer.

So what will the alfalfa of the future look like? The purpose of this paper is to offer some ideas of general direction of major breeding efforts of alfalfa and to make farmers aware of what to expect in the near or more distant future.