Start Date
2-24-2000 4:45 PM
During the previous nineteen Kentucky Alfalfa Conferences, many topics pertaining to alfalfa have undoubtedly been addressed. In fact, some topics such as establishment techniques, varieties, and factors affecting yield are important enough that they have probably been discussed in one form or another during most of these conferences.
However, a twentieth-year state commodity conference is a milestone that deserves some special consideration, and which should justify inclusion of one or more unique topics on the program. This line of thinking led to idea that for this presentation it might be interesting to discuss some facts about alfalfa that are not frequently mentioned and that are therefore not known to many people, perhaps including to a number of participants in the 2000 Kentucky Alfalfa Conference.
As a consequence, this paper will be far less focused than most presented during this or earlier Kentucky Alfalfa Conferences. Instead, it will be a discussion of selected points pertaining to various aspects of alfalfa and alfalfa production. These points will vary in importance and practical application, but hopefully many or most will be of interest.
Included in
Little Known Facts about Alfalfa
During the previous nineteen Kentucky Alfalfa Conferences, many topics pertaining to alfalfa have undoubtedly been addressed. In fact, some topics such as establishment techniques, varieties, and factors affecting yield are important enough that they have probably been discussed in one form or another during most of these conferences.
However, a twentieth-year state commodity conference is a milestone that deserves some special consideration, and which should justify inclusion of one or more unique topics on the program. This line of thinking led to idea that for this presentation it might be interesting to discuss some facts about alfalfa that are not frequently mentioned and that are therefore not known to many people, perhaps including to a number of participants in the 2000 Kentucky Alfalfa Conference.
As a consequence, this paper will be far less focused than most presented during this or earlier Kentucky Alfalfa Conferences. Instead, it will be a discussion of selected points pertaining to various aspects of alfalfa and alfalfa production. These points will vary in importance and practical application, but hopefully many or most will be of interest.