Start Date

2-29-1996 4:00 PM


As today's farmer becomes more and more business like, running his farming operation as a commercial business, the production of alfalfa hay should be treated no differently. When the farmer makes the decision to plant alfalfa, he should have already done a great deal of research and given a great deal of thought into the markets he is going to try to target for his product. Any successful commercial business looks into market potential even before production begins, whether they produce toys, cars, appliances, computers, etc. Alfalfa hay production should be no different in regards to seeking out various markets and knowing those markets prior to planting.


Feb 29th, 4:00 PM

Marketing Options for Quality Kentucky Alfalfa Hay

As today's farmer becomes more and more business like, running his farming operation as a commercial business, the production of alfalfa hay should be treated no differently. When the farmer makes the decision to plant alfalfa, he should have already done a great deal of research and given a great deal of thought into the markets he is going to try to target for his product. Any successful commercial business looks into market potential even before production begins, whether they produce toys, cars, appliances, computers, etc. Alfalfa hay production should be no different in regards to seeking out various markets and knowing those markets prior to planting.