Start Date

2-24-1994 9:45 AM


Very little current research data is available on the response of alfalfa to nitrogen application at establishment or to the addition of boron. University of Kentucky recommendations (AGR-1 Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations) indicate that zero to 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre may be applied at seeding for alfalfa. No nitrogen would be recommended when soil nitrogen levels are likely to be adequate such as where manure or high levels of nitrogen fertilizer had been applied to the previous crop. Annual applications of boron at 1.5-2.0 pounds of elemental boron per acre are recommended.

Neighboring states differ in their nitrogen recommendations for establishing alfalfa. Some recommend no nitrogen while others recommend as much as 30 pounds per acre. Several have recommendations similar to Kentucky, but usually zero to 20 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Almost all recommend boron; however, some indicate that it can be applied once in two years.


Feb 24th, 9:45 AM

Nitrogen and Boron Fertilization of Alfalfa

Very little current research data is available on the response of alfalfa to nitrogen application at establishment or to the addition of boron. University of Kentucky recommendations (AGR-1 Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations) indicate that zero to 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre may be applied at seeding for alfalfa. No nitrogen would be recommended when soil nitrogen levels are likely to be adequate such as where manure or high levels of nitrogen fertilizer had been applied to the previous crop. Annual applications of boron at 1.5-2.0 pounds of elemental boron per acre are recommended.

Neighboring states differ in their nitrogen recommendations for establishing alfalfa. Some recommend no nitrogen while others recommend as much as 30 pounds per acre. Several have recommendations similar to Kentucky, but usually zero to 20 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Almost all recommend boron; however, some indicate that it can be applied once in two years.