KWRRI Research Reports


Liquid dairy manure has been injected on the soil contour to depths of 6 and 12 inches and applied to the surface of a Bluegrass sod and a bare tilled soil. Application rates of 9,250 gallons per acre were used. Runoff from 9-foot-square plots which were sprinkled at rates of 2.5 inches per hour on sod and 1.5 inches per hour on bare soil was collected and analyzed for various pollution parameters including COD, N, TS, TSS, pH, DO, and Fecal Coliform. The effects of pollutant yield in the runoff have been determined for various treatments.

Injection of the manure into the soil essentially eliminated any pollutant yield in the runoff from the test plots as compared with surface application. Also, injection tended to even the rate of pollutant loss in the runoff. Increasing the delay-time between application of liquid manure and the simulated rainfall event significantly decreased the yield of pollutants in the runoff. Repeated yearly applications of manure on sod reduced pollutant concentration in runoff and also reduced runoff rates. Test results indicate that pollutant concentration in runoff is a function of the concentration in the liquid manure and the total quantity of runoff.

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Funding Information

The work on which this report is based was supported in part by funds provided by the Office of Water Research and Technology, United States Department of the Interior, as authorized under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964.
