KWRRI Research Reports
The objective of this study was to develop a digital computer procedure for preliminary analysis of the economic justification of reservoir detention storage for flood control and to present a sample study illustrating its application. A computer program called the University of Kentucky Flood Control Planning Program III was developed and tested on the flood plain of the South Fork of the Licking River in northeastern Kentucky.
Given a specified reservoir site and a downstream flood plain divided into planning units, Program III selects the economically efficient combination of reservoir detention storage and the associated combination of channel improvement, flood proofing, land-use management, and residual flooding for each downstream planning unit. The Program does not attempt final measure design but isolates those combinations of measures for which detailed data collection and analysis is warranted.
This study presents a description of the basic Program logic and the results of its application along the South Fork, Licking River, as well as a FORTRAN IV listing of the computer program and a listing of the input data used in the South Fork, Licking River analysis.
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Funding Information
"Economic Analysis of Flood Detention Storage by Digital Computer" is based on research performed as part of a project entitled "Economic Analysis of Alternative Flood Control Measures" (OWRR Project No. A-001-KY) sponsored by the University of Kentucky Water Resources Institute and supported in part by funds provided by the United States Department of Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379.
Repository Citation
Villines, James Ray and James, L. Douglas, "Economic Analysis of Flood Detention Storage by Digital Computer" (1968). KWRRI Research Reports. 184.
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