KWRRI Research Reports
Within the last few years, the growing realization that an effective flood control program must include non-structural measures (land use management and flood proofing) has resulted in Presidential Executive Order 11296 requiring Federal agencies to seek the optimum combination of structural and non-structural measures for flood control. The requirement has created a dilemma. No methodology is available for systematic evaluation of alternative combinations of structural and non-structural measures. Prospective procedures are too time consuming to be feasible under current financial and manpower limitations.
The only way out is to perform much of the planning process by digital computer. With this goal, two flood control planning programs have been developed. Each program systematically selects the optimum combination of channel improvement, flood proofing, and land use management by location within the flood plain and by time. The second program adds detention storage to the list of available alternatives. Both programs contain the entire planning process by going all the way from raw data to a selected optimum program of measure use in one run. However, the programs are not intended to produce a finished design. Their use should be followed by a final field check to verify the input data and preparation of the plans and specifications necessary for implementation.
The programs have been applied to a series of flood hazard areas in California and Kentucky and indicated an optimum flood control program in a small fraction of the time spent in current planning methods. They free the planning engineer from spending most of his time in routine calculations and allow more time for consideration of qualitative and intangible factors.
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Funding Information
This research report serves as a technical completion report for a project by the same name sponsored by the University of Kentucky Water Resources Institute and financially supported for the most part by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964. Some financial help was also provided by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.
Repository Citation
James, L. Douglas; Rachford, Thomas M.; Villines, James Ray; Dempsey, Clyde R.; Cline, James Norris; and Miller, Carlos Fix, "Economic Analysis of Alternative Flood Control Measures" (1968). KWRRI Research Reports. 177.
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