The Kentucky Transportation Center has published many reports addressing a variety of transportation issues and problems. Research reports describe the methodology and results for KTC research projects.

Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report has different titles over the years:

  • Highway Materials Research Laboratory Research Report: 1939-1966
  • Kentucky Department of Highways Research Report: 1967-1975
  • Kentucky Department of Transportation Research Report: 1976-1980
  • Kentucky Transportation Research Program Research Report: 1981-1988
  • Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report: 1988 to present


Submissions from 1952


An Investigation of Lean Concrete Mixes as Base Courses for Bituminous Surfaces [Dec. 1952], Dave H. Sawyer
No. 89


The Performance of Cold Mastic Joint-Sealing Compounds and Sawed Joints in Concrete Pavements, Dave H. Sawyer
No. 84


Head Determinations for Structures on U.S 23 that are Affected by Raising the Normal Pool Elevation of Ohio River Lock and Dam No. 30 at Greenup, Kentucky, Eugene M. West
No. 81


A Study of Runoff from Small Drainage Areas and the Openings in Attendant Drainage Structures, Eugene M. West and J. O. Cornell
No. 76


A Compendium on Class I, Type C Mixes, Ellis G. Williams
No. 85


A Test Road for the Evaluation of Sandstone as an Aggregate in Plant-Mix Bituminous Pavements, Ellis G. Williams
No. 77


Field Trip to Daviess and Henderson Counties for Inspection of Gravel-Bituminous Roads, Ellis G. Williams
No. 78

Submissions from 1951


An Investigation of Lean Concrete Mixes as Base Courses for Bituminous Surfaces [Jan. 1951], S. T. Collier
No. 62


Progress Report on Experimental Jointing Installations for Concrete Pavements, S. T. Collier
No. 65


Evaluation of Plant Mix Surface Treatments, William B. Drake
No. 68


Observations on Seal Coats, Tack Coats and Penetration Macadam Construction in 1950, William B. Drake
No. 61


Report No. 3 on a Concrete Pavement Without Transverse Joints, William B. Drake
No. 64


Observation on Seal Coats, Tack Coats, Penetration Macadam, and Blade Spread Hot Mix in 1951, William B. Drake, Harvey J. Field Jr., and S. T. Collier
No. 71


Proposed Specification Class I, Type C and Blade Spreading Hot Mixes, L. E. Gregg
No. 67


Report of an Inspection of Pavement Construction on the New Jersey Turnpike, L. E. Gregg
No. 66


Clay Mineralogy and Soil Stabilization, James H. Havens and William A. Goodwin
No. 69


Field and Laboratory Evaluation of Roadside Sign Surfacing Materials, James H. Havens and Allie C. Peed Jr.
No. 63


Spherical Lens Optics Applied to Retro-Directive Reflection, James H. Havens and Allie C. Peed Jr.
No. 74


Vibratory Compaction of Base Courses, Kentucky Highway Materials Research Laboratory
No. 70


Comparative Study of the Physical Properties of Traffic Paints, A. C. Peed Jr.
No. 72

Submissions from 1950


Determination of Unit Weights of Aggregates in the Laboratory and at the Source, S. T. Collier
No. 56


Supplemental Report on Unit Weight of Aggregates, S. T. Collier
No. 57


An Installation of an Experimental Joint for Concrete Pavements, Harvey J. Field Jr.
No. 55


Measurement of Surface Irregularities and Riding Qualities of High Type Bituminous Pavements, Harvey J. Field Jr.
No. 60


A Survey of Acidity in Drainage Waters and the Condition of Highway Drainage Installations, James H. Havens, James L. Young Jr., and Harvey J. Field Jr.
No. 59