This report summarizes the results of data collected as part of the 1993 field and laboratory evaluations of pavement marking materials for the SASHTO Regional Test Facility. The report is divided into two volumes. The first volume presents the field evaluations while the laboratory tests results are given in the second volume. The purpose of the Regional Test Facility (RTF) is to minimize the amount of field and laboratory research testing of specific types of materials. This is accomplished by combining efforts in an organized manner to reduce the monetary and man-hour requirements of both the states and industry. A RTF for the twelve SASHTO states was approved at the 1988 SASHTO convention. The twelve SASHTO states are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The SASHTO Regional Test Facility (SRTF) began operation in November 1988 when informational packets were mailed to all known manufacturers of four types of materials. One type of material included in the test is classified as striping materials. To be included in the test, the manufacturers have until 5:00 p.m. at the end of the first working day in January to submit a Product Evaluation Form, payment of the testing fee, sample materials, and other pertinent information to the coordinator of the SRTF in order to have their product considered for inclusion in the testing process for that calendar year. A testing fee of $2,000 per sample was originally established for the striping materials. This fee covered the cost of performing the required field and laboratory tests and reporting the results. This fee was reduced to $1,500 per sample starting with the 1991 test.
Different states were selected to perform the tests for the various materials. For the striping materials, Kentucky was selected as the lead state which is responsible for reporting the results. Alabama was selected as the support state. Identical field installations were placed in both Kentucky and Alabama in 1989 and 1990. However, beginning in 1991, the field tests began operating on an alternating basis. The materials submitted for testing in 1991 were placed in Kentucky in 1991 and in Alabama in 1992. The materials submitted for testing in 1992 were placed in Alabama in 1992 and Kentucky in 1993. The laboratory tests were performed by Louisiana. The Transportation Center at the University of Kentucky performed the work in Kentucky for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The Alabama Highway Department conducted the field tests in Alabama while the Louisiana Department of Transportation performed the laboratory tests in Louisiana.
This report is the fifth summary of field and laboratory evaluations of pavement marking materials at the SASHTO Regional Test Facility. The previous summaries dealt with the 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 evaluations. The data in this report are for a one-year period for materials placed in Kentucky in 1993 and a two-year period for the longer-life materials (such as thermoplastics and nonremovable tape) placed in Alabama in 1992. The materials placed in Kentucky in 1993 were the materials first submitted and placed in Alabama in 1992 and new materials submitted for 1993.
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Kentucky Transportation Center, "Summary of Results of 1993 Field and Laboratory Evaluations of Pavement Marking Materials" (1994). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 451.