KENTUCKY'S TRAFFIC ACCIDENT FACTS report for 1994 is based on accident reports submitted to the Accident Unit housed in the Kentucky State Police Information Services Branch, Records Section. As required by Kentucky Revised statutes 189.635, "every law enforcement agency whose officers investigate a vehicle accident of which a report must be made ... shall file a report of the accident...within ten days after investigation of the accident upon forms supplied by the bureau." The stated purpose of this requirement is to utilize date on traffic accidents" for such purposes as will improve the traffic safety program in the Commonwealth." Data contained in this report are based solely on the observations and judgements of the stare and local police officers who investigated each accident, entering the information on Kentucky's UNIFORM POLICE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT REPORT fonn. Upon receipt of each report, the Accident Unit carefully screens the reports for accuracy and reasonableness before coding each item. The reports are then forwarded to Data Entry. Computer tabulations and summaries are again checked for accuracy before information is released or disseminated.
In an effort to comply more fully with the statutory purpose of Kentucky's Accident Reporting System, the 1994 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT FACTS report contains more detailed information than previously provided. It is hoped that the detailed information presented in this report will, in fact, "improve the traffic safety program in the Commonwealth."
Report Date
Digital Object Identifier
Repository Citation
Kentucky Transportation Center and Kentucky State Police, "Kentucky Traffic Accident Facts 1994 Report" (1994). Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report. 1655.