The Religion Clauses’ Third-Party Harm Doctrine and Incoherence of a Common Law Baseline
UK Athletic Association Auditorium at William T. Young Library
Start Date
3-11-2017 2:20 PM
End Date
3-11-2017 3:05 PM
Document Type
Sepper is a health law scholar whose work explores the interaction of morality, professional ethics, and law in health care and insurance. She has written extensively on conscientious refusals to provide reproductive and end-of-life healthcare and on conflicts over religious liberty and insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage mandate. Her scholarship also examines the interaction of business religious exemptions and gay rights.
The Religion Clauses’ Third-Party Harm Doctrine and Incoherence of a Common Law Baseline
UK Athletic Association Auditorium at William T. Young Library
Sepper is a health law scholar whose work explores the interaction of morality, professional ethics, and law in health care and insurance. She has written extensively on conscientious refusals to provide reproductive and end-of-life healthcare and on conflicts over religious liberty and insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage mandate. Her scholarship also examines the interaction of business religious exemptions and gay rights.