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Research Data--KGS
![Kentucky Geological Survey Landslide Inventory [2024]](https://uknowledge.uky.edu/kgs_data/1006/thumbnail.jpg)
Researcher ORCID Identifier
Dataset Creation Date
Release Date
University of Kentucky Libraries
The KGS landslide inventory provides the locations of known landslides and areas susceptible to debris flows. Various types of landslides are represented including slides, flows, rockfalls, and creep. The data are available as ArcGIS geodatabase feature classes. Landslide locations and associated attributes are compiled from Kentucky Geological Survey research, published maps, state and local government agencies, the public, and media reports. A confidence ranking system assigns a value to each feature. A description of the feature classes is here: https://kgs.uky.edu/kgsmap/helpfiles/landslide_help.shtm
The inventory viewed in a GIS with geology, soils, slope or other terrain-based data can serve as a basis for landslide hazard and risk assessment. It is not intended for site specific investigations. The point features represent larger landslide deposits that have not been mapped in detail and may fall within different parts of the slide area. The absence of landslides in an area does not infer that a landslide does not exist or that the ground is stable. A professional geologist or geotechnical engineer should be consulted for planned construction at identified landslide locations or identified landslide areas. A professional geologist or geotechnical engineer should also be consulted for slope stabilization and other mitigation efforts related to existing slides.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
© 2022 University of Kentucky
This dataset is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the dataset creators and source are credited and that changes (if any) are clearly indicated.
Supporting Information
Please see the Readme file.
File Format
Readme file: Text document (.txt)
Dataset file: ESRI ArcGIS geodatabase (.gdb)
Spatial Coverage
Statewide; across Kentucky
Temporal Coverage
1972 to 2024
Funding Information
Funding for this research was provided by the Kentucky Geological Survey and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Contact Matt Crawford for funding details, mcrawford@uky.edu
Related Content
Crawford, M.M., 2014, Kentucky Geological Survey landslide inventory: From design to application, Kentucky Geological Survey Information Circular 31, Series 12, 18 p., https://doi.org/10.13023/kgs.ic31.12.
Crawford, M.M., Zhenming, W., Carpenter, N.S., Schmidt, J., Koch H., Dortch, J., 2023, Reconnaissance of landslides and debris flows associated with the July 2022 flooding in eastern Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, Report of Investigations, Series 13, 14p. https://doi.org/10/13023/kgs.ri56.13
Kentucky Geological Survey Map Service: https://kgs.uky.edu/kgsmap/helpfiles/landslide_help.shtm
Landslides and Related Features Maps: These 7.5-minute quadrangle maps are U.S. Geological Survey Open File Reports and depict generalized slope-stability conditions as they existed at the time of field checking (1977 to 1979). They are available for most of southeastern and south-central Kentucky. These are preliminary maps and are suited for general planning purposes only. This data corresponds to the Derived from Aerial Photos and Areas Susceptible to Debris Flows feature classes in the inventory geodatabase. https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/services/pubs/
Geologic Quadrangle Maps: U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale, geologic maps, https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/services/pubs/. This data corresponds to the Geologic Map Landslides file/feature class in the inventory geodatabase. The ESRI Map Package containing the digital 1:24,000 geologic map data for Kentucky available for download, https://kygs.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=6ed2218e73f945a29cf914af7668ff46
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Geotechnical Projects contribute to many records in the landslide inventory. The KYTC and KGS have partnered to provide the results of geotechnical investigations to the public. Landslide investigation reports are available, Project Type = Landslide https://kgs.uky.edu/kgsmap/kytcLinks.asp
There are various sources of the data including Kentucky Emergency Management, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Division of Natural Resources-Mine Reclamation and Enforcement, Division of Abandoned Mine Lands (AML), Natural Resource Conservation Area, Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission, Northern Kentucky University, Media alerts, and the public. The SourceDesc field in the KGS landslide inventory data (points) feature class only indicates source.
Recommended Citation
Crawford, M.M., Bibbins, E.M, and Koch, H.J., 2024. Kentucky Geological Survey landslide inventory [2024-04]: Kentucky Geological Survey Research Data, https://doi.org/10.13023/kgs.data.2022.01.
This is the October 2024 version (v. 4) of the Kentucky Geological Survey Landslide Inventory.