Research Data--KGS

Deepest Observed Fresh Groundwater Contour Lines for the Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky

Deepest Observed Fresh Groundwater Contour Lines for the Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky

Researcher ORCID Identifier

Ethan S. L. Davis:

Thomas M. Parris:


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University of Kentucky Libraries


These contour lines detail the estimated depth of the base of fresh groundwater—i.e., deepest observed fresh water. These contours were created using the deepest domestic water well depths in each 11-digit HUC watershed of a 14-county study area in the Cumberland Plateau of eastern Kentucky.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


© 2021 University of Kentucky

This dataset is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the dataset creators and source are credited and that changes (if any) are clearly indicated.

Supporting Information

These contour lines are derived from a "deepest observed fresh water" map created using the deepest domestic water well in each 11-digit HUC watershed. Wells with total depths that failed to penetrate elevations deeper than their respective 11-digit HUC pour point elevations were eliminated from use as data points. Contour lines were initially created in IHS Petra and further edited to clean up spurious contours caused by an absence of data on the margins of maps, and to further develop trends not mapped by Petra.

For further information on the creation of these contours, see:

Davis, E.S.L., Parris, T.M., and Grider, J., 2019, Using watershed pour-point elevations to evaluate the base of fresh groundwater in the Cumberland Plateau of eastern Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 13, Report of Investigations 7, 22 p.,

File Format

Readme file: Text document (.txt)

Main file: Esri shapefile (.shp)

Character encoding file: .cpg format

Shapefile, attribute format: .dbf format

Projection description: Project file .prj format

Binary spatial index file: .sbn format

Adobe Illustrator tsume file: .sbx format

Shapefile, index format: .shx format

Compressed folder of dataset files: .zip format

File Size

Readme file: 6 KB

Main file: 56 KB

Character encoding file: 5 B

Shapefile, attribute format: 434 B

Projection description: 566 B

Binary spatial index file: 436 B

Adobe Illustrator tsume file: 156 B

Shapefile, index format: 324 B

Compressed folder of dataset files: 46 KB

Spatial Coverage

Greenup, Boyd, Carter, Lawrence, Elliott, Johnson, Martin, Floyd, Magoffin, Breathitt, Morgan, Wolfe, Owsley, and Lee Counties, Kentucky, USA.

Temporal Coverage

2015-05-13 to 2019-03-25

Funding Information

Funding for this research was provided by the Kentucky Geological Survey.

Related Content

Davis, E.S.L., Parris, T.M., and Grider, J., 2019, Using watershed pour-point elevations to evaluate the base of fresh groundwater in the Cumberland Plateau of eastern Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 13, Report of Investigations 7, 22 p.,

Deepest Observed Fresh Groundwater Contour Lines for the Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky
