Research Data--KGS

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University of Kentucky Libraries
The Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), a state-supported independent research center within the University of Kentucky, is committed to providing accurate and unbiased geologic information on natural resources, environmental issues, and natural hazards in Kentucky. While Kentucky boasts complete coverage by 1:24,000-scale geologic bedrock maps, surficial materials have been largely overlooked, except in regions with thick deposits obscuring the bedrock. Given the increasing trends in economic development and urbanization, detailed surficial geologic mapping has become crucial for supporting geotechnical planning, environmental management, and hazard assessment. In response, KGS has prioritized new, detailed surficial geologic mapping since 2004, specifically targeting areas anticipated to undergo rapid economic growth. This product represents the digital compilation of surficial geologic mapping in Kentucky at 1:24,000 scale in a standardized GIS database. The reader is strongly encouraged to learn more about the database schema, referred to as the Geologic Map Schema or "GeMS," by reading the publicly available publication available for download here: https://doi.org/10.3133/tm11B10. New map data will be added on a rolling basis as new mapping becomes available, and older map products are verified to conform with the database schema. All updates will be summarized in this README document and as a new version of the geodatabase.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
© 2024 University of Kentucky. This dataset is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the dataset creators and source are credited and that changes (if any) are clearly indicated.
Supporting Information
This compilation has been processed and assembled by the Kentucky Geological Survey. The reader is referred to the associated metadata information in the GeMS geodatabase for details regarding data collection and map production of individual quadrangles.
Spatial Coverage
Temporal Coverage
Funding Information
This compilation has been processed and assembled by the Kentucky Geological Survey. The reader is referred to the associated metadata information in the GeMS geodatabase for details regarding data collection and map production of individual quadrangles.
Recommended Citation
Massey, M., 2024. Kentucky Surficial Geologic Map Compilation Database (Version 1): Kentucky Geological Survey Research Data, doi.org/10.13023/kgs.data.10.02.2024
Point of Contact: Kentucky Geological Survey
Originator: Matthew Massey
Publisher: Kentucky Geological Survey
Distributor: UKnowledge