Research Data--KGS
Hydrology Data for Edge of Field Monitoring in a Sinkhole Dominated Karst Landscape, The Homeplace on the Green River
Researcher ORCID Identifier
Charles Taylor:
Benjamin Tobin:
Release Date
University of Kentucky Libraries
These data are a combination of precipitation quantity, spring flow, spring chemistry, spring and stream field measurement data, and dye trace results for a USDA funded research project at The Homeplace on the Green River in Taylor County, KY.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
© 2020 University of Kentucky
This dataset is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the dataset creators and source are credited and that changes (if any) are clearly indicated.
Supporting Information
Please see the Readme file.
File Format
Readme file: Text document (.txt)
Schema file: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx)
Water data file: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx)
File Size
Readme file: 4.73 KB
Schema file: 13.6 KB
Water data file: 4.35 MB
Spatial Coverage
Taylor County, KY. GPS locations of the research sites are available on the first tab of the water data file.
Temporal Coverage
2016-06-17 to 2019-02-06
Funding Information
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service-Kentucky Conservation Innovation Grant Program
Related Content
Tobin, B.W., Polk, J.S., Arpin, S.M., Shelley, A., and Taylor, C., 2020, A conceptual model of epikarst processes across sites, seasons, and storm events: Journal of Hydrology,
Recommended Citation
Taylor, C.J., and Tobin, B.W., 2020, Water quality and quantity data for edge of field monitoring in a sinkhole dominated karst landscape, The Homeplace on the Green River: Kentucky Geological Survey Research Data,
The research data and schema information are also available for download in a non-proprietary format.