
With the aim to characterize six lucerne landraces (Medicago sativa L.), representing a sample of a collection from central Italy, sixty individuals per landrace were evaluated by screening for RAPD markers with three lucerne-specific primers. Twenty-one amplification products were scored as present or absent across all plants. The dendrogram from mean genetic similarity estimates displayed Casalina alone and the other landraces clustered into one distinct group, showing a single branch point with more than 73% of genetic similarity. The discriminant analysis grouped the landraces in a similar manner. The first function maximally separated the group Grosseto, Gubbio and C. Pieve from Latina and L’Aquila while the second function maximally separated Casalina from the rest of landraces. Overall 56% of individual plants were correctly reclassified into their own groups. Owing to their rather narrow geographic provenance, more primers are needed to increase precision in the estimate of the genetic variability.




Genetic Variability of Lucerne Landraces from Central Italy Detected by RAPD Markers

With the aim to characterize six lucerne landraces (Medicago sativa L.), representing a sample of a collection from central Italy, sixty individuals per landrace were evaluated by screening for RAPD markers with three lucerne-specific primers. Twenty-one amplification products were scored as present or absent across all plants. The dendrogram from mean genetic similarity estimates displayed Casalina alone and the other landraces clustered into one distinct group, showing a single branch point with more than 73% of genetic similarity. The discriminant analysis grouped the landraces in a similar manner. The first function maximally separated the group Grosseto, Gubbio and C. Pieve from Latina and L’Aquila while the second function maximally separated Casalina from the rest of landraces. Overall 56% of individual plants were correctly reclassified into their own groups. Owing to their rather narrow geographic provenance, more primers are needed to increase precision in the estimate of the genetic variability.