
The effects of a soil biological stimulant (SS) and biologically activated reactive phosphate rock (BAP) on pasture yield and botanical composition were examined in a field trial in low-fertility New Zealand rangeland. BAP application significantly increased pasture yield by 60% and BAP plus biostimulant increased yield by 120%. BAP significantly increased resident legume cover by 75% and BAP with biostimulants by 85%. Alfalfa, direct drilled as an indicator test species, increased in establishment from 0 to 3.8 plants m-2 with BAP and to 4.2 plants m-2 with BAP plus biostimulant. Biostimulant applied alone increased yield by 17%, legume cover by 2% and alfalfa establishment by 0.1 plants m-2. These results are consistent with previous trials in high-fertility pastures and may assist in the development of sustainable agriculture.




Biological Stimulants Increase Fertilizer Efficiency and Pasture Legume Content

The effects of a soil biological stimulant (SS) and biologically activated reactive phosphate rock (BAP) on pasture yield and botanical composition were examined in a field trial in low-fertility New Zealand rangeland. BAP application significantly increased pasture yield by 60% and BAP plus biostimulant increased yield by 120%. BAP significantly increased resident legume cover by 75% and BAP with biostimulants by 85%. Alfalfa, direct drilled as an indicator test species, increased in establishment from 0 to 3.8 plants m-2 with BAP and to 4.2 plants m-2 with BAP plus biostimulant. Biostimulant applied alone increased yield by 17%, legume cover by 2% and alfalfa establishment by 0.1 plants m-2. These results are consistent with previous trials in high-fertility pastures and may assist in the development of sustainable agriculture.