The Milk Quality of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Months and Grassland Regions in the Tropical Country
The objective of the study was to evaluate the milk yield and quality of dairy cows across periods of year and grassland regions in the tropical country, Vietnam. The milk data were collected from October 2021 to March 2022 at three farms (Farm one in Gialai Province, Farm two and three in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). Each Farm used the different software to manage the milk yield and quality, including SCR DataFlow II, Afifarm, and Epacific management software. The milk properties of freezing point (FP), total solid (TS), fatness, solids-not-fat (SNF), protein, and lactose were analyzed in lab. The milk somatic cell count (SCC) was examined using Foss MilkoScan analyzer. The results showed the milk yield average differed between 3 Farms (24.26, 21.15, 12.55 kg/day/cow, respectively; P < 0.01). The characteristics of milk quality were FP -0.520C, TS 12.64%, fatness 3.50%, SNF 8.70%, protein 3.43%, lactose 4.64%, and SCC 737,000 cells/ml. The milk quality varied between months for all three farms (P < 0.01), with quality highest on Farm one and the lowest on Farm three. The milk yield was highest in December and January at 25 and 21 kg/day/cow for Farm one and two, respectively, but it was the same milk yield during the months in Farm three. The SCC of milk decreased month by month from December 2021 to March 2022, and was lowest in March (593,000, 607,000 cells/ml on Farm 1,3, respectively, P < 0.01). Our study showed a positive correlation between the grassland field, dairy cow population, and milk yield of the farms. The milk quality of dairy cows was influenced by the different grassland regions in the tropical areas.
Nguyen, T. T. and Phan, T. N. T., "The Milk Quality of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Months and Grassland Regions in the Tropical Country" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 57.
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The Milk Quality of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Months and Grassland Regions in the Tropical Country
The objective of the study was to evaluate the milk yield and quality of dairy cows across periods of year and grassland regions in the tropical country, Vietnam. The milk data were collected from October 2021 to March 2022 at three farms (Farm one in Gialai Province, Farm two and three in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). Each Farm used the different software to manage the milk yield and quality, including SCR DataFlow II, Afifarm, and Epacific management software. The milk properties of freezing point (FP), total solid (TS), fatness, solids-not-fat (SNF), protein, and lactose were analyzed in lab. The milk somatic cell count (SCC) was examined using Foss MilkoScan analyzer. The results showed the milk yield average differed between 3 Farms (24.26, 21.15, 12.55 kg/day/cow, respectively; P < 0.01). The characteristics of milk quality were FP -0.520C, TS 12.64%, fatness 3.50%, SNF 8.70%, protein 3.43%, lactose 4.64%, and SCC 737,000 cells/ml. The milk quality varied between months for all three farms (P < 0.01), with quality highest on Farm one and the lowest on Farm three. The milk yield was highest in December and January at 25 and 21 kg/day/cow for Farm one and two, respectively, but it was the same milk yield during the months in Farm three. The SCC of milk decreased month by month from December 2021 to March 2022, and was lowest in March (593,000, 607,000 cells/ml on Farm 1,3, respectively, P < 0.01). Our study showed a positive correlation between the grassland field, dairy cow population, and milk yield of the farms. The milk quality of dairy cows was influenced by the different grassland regions in the tropical areas.