
In a diverse pasture of complementary species (DPCS), individual species fulfil agro-ecological functions that confer growth asynchrony and complementarity of ecosystem functions. These attributes provide yield consistency with a more even forage supply pattern across the year compared to monocultures. A common leaf regrowth stage window opportunity (LSWO) for the diverse species enables pasture defoliation that stimulates growth and persistence. The study assessed seasonal and annual growth traits of Lolium perenne (Lp), Bromus valdivianus (Bv) and Dactylis glomerata (Dg) as single grass species (Mono) sown with Trifolium repens (Tr) and as DPCS with the four species (Lp+Bv+Dg+Tr=Mix). The defoliation criteria applied (LSWO of a target species: Lp, Bv or Dg) resulted in eleven grazing events for MonoLp and MixLp, ten grazing events for MonoBv and MixBv, and nine grazing events for MonoDg and MixDg in a year. MixBv and MixDg displayed synchronized overlaps of the three species LSWOs during the seasons and across the year. MixLp had Bv and Dg being grazed slightly earlier than their LSWOs. There were no significant differences in annual herbage accumulation for all treatments. Significant differences were found within seasons, and the seasonality of the pasture growth was reduced in the DPCS when compared to their respective Mono establishment. This resulted in a more evenly distributed pasture feed resource throughout the year and can mitigate the negative impacts of extreme climatic events (longer periods of soil water restriction or saturation). The LSWO criterion enabled the successful management of monocultures and DPCS.




Agricultural Performance of Diverse Pastures of Complementary Species and Monoculture Pastures Defoliated According to the Leaf Regrowth Stage Window of Opportunity Criterion

In a diverse pasture of complementary species (DPCS), individual species fulfil agro-ecological functions that confer growth asynchrony and complementarity of ecosystem functions. These attributes provide yield consistency with a more even forage supply pattern across the year compared to monocultures. A common leaf regrowth stage window opportunity (LSWO) for the diverse species enables pasture defoliation that stimulates growth and persistence. The study assessed seasonal and annual growth traits of Lolium perenne (Lp), Bromus valdivianus (Bv) and Dactylis glomerata (Dg) as single grass species (Mono) sown with Trifolium repens (Tr) and as DPCS with the four species (Lp+Bv+Dg+Tr=Mix). The defoliation criteria applied (LSWO of a target species: Lp, Bv or Dg) resulted in eleven grazing events for MonoLp and MixLp, ten grazing events for MonoBv and MixBv, and nine grazing events for MonoDg and MixDg in a year. MixBv and MixDg displayed synchronized overlaps of the three species LSWOs during the seasons and across the year. MixLp had Bv and Dg being grazed slightly earlier than their LSWOs. There were no significant differences in annual herbage accumulation for all treatments. Significant differences were found within seasons, and the seasonality of the pasture growth was reduced in the DPCS when compared to their respective Mono establishment. This resulted in a more evenly distributed pasture feed resource throughout the year and can mitigate the negative impacts of extreme climatic events (longer periods of soil water restriction or saturation). The LSWO criterion enabled the successful management of monocultures and DPCS.