Theme 1: Grassland Ecology
Pampa Galeras Barbara D´Achille National Reserve has an extension of 21,030 hectares constituted mainly by puna rangeland and has played a key role in the recovery of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) population from extinction. This reserve is divided into two zones, known as the Rigid zone with a total area of 6,500 ha, and the Buffer zone of 14,530 ha. The present study aimed to implement an Ecological Response Unit system (ERU) to create an evaluation and monitoring system of rangeland health and condition, that could serve as a model for the rest of the Protected National Areas destinated for the conservation of vicuña. A total of 29 ERUs were delimited combining fieldwork and spatial information analysis. The results revealed that rangeland health is still at risk due to domestic herbivorous pressure. This suggests the need to implement a Reference Area system (RA) to evaluate and monitor rangeland health and condition indicators and thus improve management and livestock grazing control systems. In this manner, the bases for the execution of an adaptative management plan will settle with the participation of Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (SERNANP) and the local rural communities, landowners, and usufructuaries of the economic value of the vicuña fiber.
Zárate, R. and Flores, E. R., "Rangeland Health Status and Condition Two Different Yet Complementary Concepts: National Reserve Pampa Galeras Barbara D´Achille Case" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 14.
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Rangeland Health Status and Condition Two Different Yet Complementary Concepts: National Reserve Pampa Galeras Barbara D´Achille Case
Pampa Galeras Barbara D´Achille National Reserve has an extension of 21,030 hectares constituted mainly by puna rangeland and has played a key role in the recovery of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) population from extinction. This reserve is divided into two zones, known as the Rigid zone with a total area of 6,500 ha, and the Buffer zone of 14,530 ha. The present study aimed to implement an Ecological Response Unit system (ERU) to create an evaluation and monitoring system of rangeland health and condition, that could serve as a model for the rest of the Protected National Areas destinated for the conservation of vicuña. A total of 29 ERUs were delimited combining fieldwork and spatial information analysis. The results revealed that rangeland health is still at risk due to domestic herbivorous pressure. This suggests the need to implement a Reference Area system (RA) to evaluate and monitor rangeland health and condition indicators and thus improve management and livestock grazing control systems. In this manner, the bases for the execution of an adaptative management plan will settle with the participation of Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (SERNANP) and the local rural communities, landowners, and usufructuaries of the economic value of the vicuña fiber.