XXV IGC (2023) Covington KY USA
The XXV International Grassland Congress (IGC) “Grasslands for Animal, Soil and Human Health” took place in Covington, Kentucky from May 14 through May 19, 2023. Proceedings edited by the American Forage and Grassland Council and Published by Curran Associates, Inc ©2023
Browse the contents of XXV IGC (2023) Covington KY USA:
- XXV IGC (2023)
- Opening Speech
- Theme 1: Grassland Ecology
- Theme 2: Grassland Production and Utilization
- Theme 3: Livestock Production Systems
- Theme 4: Grassland Sustainability, Innovations and Initiative
- Theme 5: Grassland Policies, Social Issues, and Ecosystem Services
- Additional Papers
- Closing Summary