Track 4-1-2: Breeding Cultivated Forage Species for Biomass, Quality and Stress Tolerance
India is now highest milk producer in the world and state of Uttar Pradesh is largest milk producer in the country. The state is also home to highest number of cattle population in the country. Besides all these facts, state is facing acute shortage of green fodder especially during lean period (March-June). During these periods milk production is substantially reduced and cost of feeding increases. Thus the biggest challenge for cattle keeping and fodder management is to provide cheaper source of nutritious feeding during the period. The challenge can be met with combination of extending period of green fodder from winter crops and growing early summer fodder crops. Among the winter crops Egyptian clover and oats are the important crops which grown on the large area. The total oat cultivation in the country is about 500 000 ha, out of which area under cultivation in Uttar Pradesh is about 34% (Choubey and Roy, 2005) followed by Punjab (20%), Bihar (16%), Haryana (9%) and Madhya Pradesh (6%). Having wide adaptability and suitability to different growing conditions, oats provides an opportunity to supply green fodder for extended period. Thus the present investigation was conducted with objective to select varieties suitable for extended green fodder supply under Kanpur conditions.
Shweta, "Identification of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Varieties for Prolonged Green Fodder Production under Central India Conditions" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 22.
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Identification of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Varieties for Prolonged Green Fodder Production under Central India Conditions
India is now highest milk producer in the world and state of Uttar Pradesh is largest milk producer in the country. The state is also home to highest number of cattle population in the country. Besides all these facts, state is facing acute shortage of green fodder especially during lean period (March-June). During these periods milk production is substantially reduced and cost of feeding increases. Thus the biggest challenge for cattle keeping and fodder management is to provide cheaper source of nutritious feeding during the period. The challenge can be met with combination of extending period of green fodder from winter crops and growing early summer fodder crops. Among the winter crops Egyptian clover and oats are the important crops which grown on the large area. The total oat cultivation in the country is about 500 000 ha, out of which area under cultivation in Uttar Pradesh is about 34% (Choubey and Roy, 2005) followed by Punjab (20%), Bihar (16%), Haryana (9%) and Madhya Pradesh (6%). Having wide adaptability and suitability to different growing conditions, oats provides an opportunity to supply green fodder for extended period. Thus the present investigation was conducted with objective to select varieties suitable for extended green fodder supply under Kanpur conditions.