Track 4-1-2: Breeding Cultivated Forage Species for Biomass, Quality and Stress Tolerance
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) is widely grown all over India more particularly in central and peninsular regions. Grains are consumed as food and the haulms are fed to livestock as a nutritious fodder. Cowpea is is equally important as nutritious fodder for livestock. The use of cowpea as a dual-purpose crop is attractive in mixed crop/livestock systems where land and feed are becoming increasingly scarce (Tarawali et al., 1997) especially in the dry season. Efforts at global level (IITA & ILRI) focused to develop medium-maturing (85-95 days), semi-erect, dual-purpose varieties with higher grain and fodder yields and with enhanced fodder quality.
Sridhar, K.; Kumar, Vinod; Kulkarni, Narendra S.; and Sahay, G., "Combining Ability Studies in Cowpea for Dual Purpose Types" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 2.
Combining Ability Studies in Cowpea for Dual Purpose Types
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) is widely grown all over India more particularly in central and peninsular regions. Grains are consumed as food and the haulms are fed to livestock as a nutritious fodder. Cowpea is is equally important as nutritious fodder for livestock. The use of cowpea as a dual-purpose crop is attractive in mixed crop/livestock systems where land and feed are becoming increasingly scarce (Tarawali et al., 1997) especially in the dry season. Efforts at global level (IITA & ILRI) focused to develop medium-maturing (85-95 days), semi-erect, dual-purpose varieties with higher grain and fodder yields and with enhanced fodder quality.