Track 3-1-2: Case Studies on Participatory Research and Development


Presently green fodder availability is 64.66 M tons and dry fodder (64.23 M tons.) in Uttar Pradesh, India., the green fodder deficit is 28.3% and dry fodder surplus by 14.1% respectively. Whereas, in Uttrakhand. Green fodder availability is 4.07 M tons and dry fodder 2.83 M tons, green fodder deficit is 48.1% and dry fodder 42.1%. There are many limitations affecting the forage production such as small holding of farmers and preferential need of food grains crops, limited availability of quality seed of improved varieties of fodder crops, low priority for investment in fodder production by the farmers. There is varied problem soils (acid, salt affected and water logged) prevailing in the area, lack of post harvest management for surplus fodder, no priority for fodder seed production by the farmers/seed producing agencies, no MSP for any of the fodder crops and lack of mechanization in fodder farming. Therefore, Nation Initiative on Fodder Technology Demonstrations will focus on increasing productivity through adoption of improved and appropriate technology best suited to the agro-climatic conditions in the zone in both arable and non-arable land. The objective of the technology demonstration is i). Accelerating production of fodder through promotion of fodder production, conservation and utilization enhancing the availability of the fodder throughout the year ii). Developing seed and planting material demonstrations units at KVK for fulfill the requirements of their vicinity. iii). Establishing back ward and forward linkages with different stake holders for profitable forage based life style husbandry.



Effect of Fodder Demonstrations in Rainfed Multi-location Conditions of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand

Presently green fodder availability is 64.66 M tons and dry fodder (64.23 M tons.) in Uttar Pradesh, India., the green fodder deficit is 28.3% and dry fodder surplus by 14.1% respectively. Whereas, in Uttrakhand. Green fodder availability is 4.07 M tons and dry fodder 2.83 M tons, green fodder deficit is 48.1% and dry fodder 42.1%. There are many limitations affecting the forage production such as small holding of farmers and preferential need of food grains crops, limited availability of quality seed of improved varieties of fodder crops, low priority for investment in fodder production by the farmers. There is varied problem soils (acid, salt affected and water logged) prevailing in the area, lack of post harvest management for surplus fodder, no priority for fodder seed production by the farmers/seed producing agencies, no MSP for any of the fodder crops and lack of mechanization in fodder farming. Therefore, Nation Initiative on Fodder Technology Demonstrations will focus on increasing productivity through adoption of improved and appropriate technology best suited to the agro-climatic conditions in the zone in both arable and non-arable land. The objective of the technology demonstration is i). Accelerating production of fodder through promotion of fodder production, conservation and utilization enhancing the availability of the fodder throughout the year ii). Developing seed and planting material demonstrations units at KVK for fulfill the requirements of their vicinity. iii). Establishing back ward and forward linkages with different stake holders for profitable forage based life style husbandry.