Track 2-8-1: Impact of Market Demands on Grassland Management and Livestock Husbandry
Napier grass is also called as Elephant Grass due to its tallness and vigorous vegetative growth. The plants tiller freely and a single clump may produce more than 60 tillers under favorable climatic and soil conditions. Unfortunately, the grass coarse-textured, the leaf blade sheaths as well as sharply serrated, leaf margins. Therefore, cross was made between Bajra which is more succulent, leafy, fine-textured, palatable, fast growing and drought resistant and Napier to combine these qualities with its high yielding potential. The outcome Hybrid Napier is a perennial grass which can be retained on field for 2-3 years. Hybrid napier grass are mostly grown under assured water supply but cultivating under varying agroclimatic condition is also possible. Low grass production in dry land area is mainly due to the limited availability of soil moisture and plant nutrients. Agrawal et al., (2001) reported NB hybrid is superior to guinea grass or setaria grass. However the economy of production plays an important role in introduction/ adoption of a crop in an area, village or farm. Many earlier studies have been conducted on economics of BN Hybrid production at research farm, or other government farms. But the information on economics of BN hybrid production at farmer’s field and its integration livestock feeding as well rooted slips are limited. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the object to study the economics of BN hybrid at farmer’s field in Bundelkhand.
Kumar, Satendra; Singh, Ravi Pratap; Agrawal, Rajiv K.; Singh, J. B.; Das, M. M.; and Kumar, Sunil, "Economics of BN Hybrid Grass Production Bundelkhand Region of India: A Case Study" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 7.
Economics of BN Hybrid Grass Production Bundelkhand Region of India: A Case Study
Napier grass is also called as Elephant Grass due to its tallness and vigorous vegetative growth. The plants tiller freely and a single clump may produce more than 60 tillers under favorable climatic and soil conditions. Unfortunately, the grass coarse-textured, the leaf blade sheaths as well as sharply serrated, leaf margins. Therefore, cross was made between Bajra which is more succulent, leafy, fine-textured, palatable, fast growing and drought resistant and Napier to combine these qualities with its high yielding potential. The outcome Hybrid Napier is a perennial grass which can be retained on field for 2-3 years. Hybrid napier grass are mostly grown under assured water supply but cultivating under varying agroclimatic condition is also possible. Low grass production in dry land area is mainly due to the limited availability of soil moisture and plant nutrients. Agrawal et al., (2001) reported NB hybrid is superior to guinea grass or setaria grass. However the economy of production plays an important role in introduction/ adoption of a crop in an area, village or farm. Many earlier studies have been conducted on economics of BN Hybrid production at research farm, or other government farms. But the information on economics of BN hybrid production at farmer’s field and its integration livestock feeding as well rooted slips are limited. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the object to study the economics of BN hybrid at farmer’s field in Bundelkhand.