Track 2‐7‐1: Seed Production, Storage, Quality, Testing, Quarantine and Marketing Systems
Indigenous Traditional knowledge (ITK) is the local knowledge unique to a given culture or society. It is the basis for local-level decision making in agriculture, health care, food preparation, natural-resource management and a host of other activities in rural communities. Storage structures and locally available plant products were used to store seeds and to ward off seed pests and pathogens. In different parts of India, different types of containers are used locally to store different crop seeds, according to the availability and climatic conditions. Sundaramari et. al. (2011) advocated the importance of indigenous storage structures for safe storage of grains in South Tamil Nadu, which can be applied to other parts of the country. Among forages, oat is an important crop during Rabi season particularly in Northern India. This crop is characterized by its quick growth, high forage and grain yield, more dry matter content, leafiness, better palatability as well as suitable for excellent silage. The storage of oat seed is influenced by biotic factors viz., insect-pest and pathogens. In the present study seeds of oat were stored after their treatment with different types of locally available plant products/botanicalsin different types of locally available storage containers and are compared with the chemical treatments and modern storage.
Bahukhandi, D.; Vijay, D.; Kumar, Vikas; and Singh, Harsh Vardhan, "Management of Storage Pest and Pathogens of Oat Seeds Using Low Input and Ecofriendly Methods" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 21.
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Management of Storage Pest and Pathogens of Oat Seeds Using Low Input and Ecofriendly Methods
Indigenous Traditional knowledge (ITK) is the local knowledge unique to a given culture or society. It is the basis for local-level decision making in agriculture, health care, food preparation, natural-resource management and a host of other activities in rural communities. Storage structures and locally available plant products were used to store seeds and to ward off seed pests and pathogens. In different parts of India, different types of containers are used locally to store different crop seeds, according to the availability and climatic conditions. Sundaramari et. al. (2011) advocated the importance of indigenous storage structures for safe storage of grains in South Tamil Nadu, which can be applied to other parts of the country. Among forages, oat is an important crop during Rabi season particularly in Northern India. This crop is characterized by its quick growth, high forage and grain yield, more dry matter content, leafiness, better palatability as well as suitable for excellent silage. The storage of oat seed is influenced by biotic factors viz., insect-pest and pathogens. In the present study seeds of oat were stored after their treatment with different types of locally available plant products/botanicalsin different types of locally available storage containers and are compared with the chemical treatments and modern storage.