Track 2-3-1: Integrated Nutrient Management for Soil Health and Effects on Quality of Production
The presence of varying types of toxic substances in feed is undesirable as it acts as the main source of entry of these chemicals into the animal body, redistribution and deposition in different tissues for a long time depending on the nature of the toxicants. Feed safety is equally important as food safety as both are directly linked when production of food of animal origin is concerned. Presence of pesticide residues are often reported in different feed resources (Kang et al., 2002; Sharma et al., 2005; Nag, 2006). These residues may ultimately contaminate the food chain and accumulate in human body. The present study deals with the extent and level of contamination in commonly used feed of different places with residues of few organophosphates (OP) and synthetic pyrethroid (SP) pesticides and assessment of the risks associated with it.
Singh, Arpana and Nag, S. K., "Presence of Pesticide Residue in Feeds–An Assessment" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 17.
Presence of Pesticide Residue in Feeds–An Assessment
The presence of varying types of toxic substances in feed is undesirable as it acts as the main source of entry of these chemicals into the animal body, redistribution and deposition in different tissues for a long time depending on the nature of the toxicants. Feed safety is equally important as food safety as both are directly linked when production of food of animal origin is concerned. Presence of pesticide residues are often reported in different feed resources (Kang et al., 2002; Sharma et al., 2005; Nag, 2006). These residues may ultimately contaminate the food chain and accumulate in human body. The present study deals with the extent and level of contamination in commonly used feed of different places with residues of few organophosphates (OP) and synthetic pyrethroid (SP) pesticides and assessment of the risks associated with it.