Track 2-3-1: Integrated Nutrient Management for Soil Health and Effects on Quality of Production
Stylosanthes seabrana, an important range legume was introduced in India in the year 1998 through ACIAR-ICAR joint project. It has given good results under agroforestry/silvopastoral systems and can be grown as sole pasture crop or along with compatible grasses/legumes on a variety of soils. For its year round production, intensive cutting approach is generally employed. Under such conditions, plant demands large amount of soil nutrients for better productivity, which are generally applied as inorganic fertilizers (Chandra et al., 2006).
In soils with low nutrient contents especially phosphorus (P), large amount of phosphatic fertilizers are required for establishment and growth of legumes. P is often a growth-limiting factor for plant growth and legumes are poor scavengers of P. In soils, P may present in sufficient amounts but much of it is poorly available to plants because of less solubility of phosphates of calcium, aluminum and iron. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), an important soil microorganism mobilize phosphates and make available to the plants, which indirectly increases their growth (Jha et al., 2012). AM fungi have proved their usefulness in plant production, How even the efficiency of AM inoculants can be affected by properties and texture of the potting substrates (Herrera-Peraza et al., 2011). Since, reports on effect of AM inoculations on growth and productivity of S. seabrana are very scarce in literature; hence, present study was carried out to identify the suitable AM inoculants for S. seabrana.
Chakravarty, Neha; Shukla, Ashok; Kumar, Anil; Dhyani, S. K.; and Nagori, Taru, "Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhize on Growth and Productivity of Stylosanthes seabrana" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 1.
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Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhize on Growth and Productivity of Stylosanthes seabrana
Stylosanthes seabrana, an important range legume was introduced in India in the year 1998 through ACIAR-ICAR joint project. It has given good results under agroforestry/silvopastoral systems and can be grown as sole pasture crop or along with compatible grasses/legumes on a variety of soils. For its year round production, intensive cutting approach is generally employed. Under such conditions, plant demands large amount of soil nutrients for better productivity, which are generally applied as inorganic fertilizers (Chandra et al., 2006).
In soils with low nutrient contents especially phosphorus (P), large amount of phosphatic fertilizers are required for establishment and growth of legumes. P is often a growth-limiting factor for plant growth and legumes are poor scavengers of P. In soils, P may present in sufficient amounts but much of it is poorly available to plants because of less solubility of phosphates of calcium, aluminum and iron. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), an important soil microorganism mobilize phosphates and make available to the plants, which indirectly increases their growth (Jha et al., 2012). AM fungi have proved their usefulness in plant production, How even the efficiency of AM inoculants can be affected by properties and texture of the potting substrates (Herrera-Peraza et al., 2011). Since, reports on effect of AM inoculations on growth and productivity of S. seabrana are very scarce in literature; hence, present study was carried out to identify the suitable AM inoculants for S. seabrana.