Track 2-2-1: Plant Diseases, Insect Pests and Weed Management
Different regions, habitats spider community have different composition, quantity and dynamics. We selected alfalfa fields, forests grasslands and arid grasslands and where studied its spider community structure, characteristic parameters and dynamics by traps from April to October in 2012.
Wu, Yi; Yasen; Zhao, Li; and Yasen, ShaLi, "Study on the Community Structure and Diversity of Spiders in Alfalfa Fields and Natural Grassland" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 4.
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Study on the Community Structure and Diversity of Spiders in Alfalfa Fields and Natural Grassland
Different regions, habitats spider community have different composition, quantity and dynamics. We selected alfalfa fields, forests grasslands and arid grasslands and where studied its spider community structure, characteristic parameters and dynamics by traps from April to October in 2012.