Track 2-1-2: Forage Conservation, Value Addition and Balanced Nutrition


Silage inoculants based on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have demonstrated improvements in energy and nutrient recovery from grass and legume silages by lowering the pH and shifting the fermentation towards lactic acid production, by reducing storage losses due to spoilage and by increasing the aerobic stability during feed-out. There are different mixtures of strains currently on the market.

The present study was conducted according to the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft Guidelines for the testing of silage additives in order to assess which mixtures of lactic acid bacteria would have a greater potential to improve fermentation profile of alfalfa, perennial ryegrass and red clover/ryegrass/timothy silages and whether they differ in their capacity to limit the extent of deterioration during exposure of the different silages to air.



The Effect of Different Types of Inoculants on the Characteristics of Alfalfa, Ryegrass and Red Clover-Ryegrass-Timothy Silage

Silage inoculants based on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have demonstrated improvements in energy and nutrient recovery from grass and legume silages by lowering the pH and shifting the fermentation towards lactic acid production, by reducing storage losses due to spoilage and by increasing the aerobic stability during feed-out. There are different mixtures of strains currently on the market.

The present study was conducted according to the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft Guidelines for the testing of silage additives in order to assess which mixtures of lactic acid bacteria would have a greater potential to improve fermentation profile of alfalfa, perennial ryegrass and red clover/ryegrass/timothy silages and whether they differ in their capacity to limit the extent of deterioration during exposure of the different silages to air.