Track 2-04: Animal-Plant Interactions
Herbage production and quality of perennial ryegrass pastures is often limited over the summer months (Powell et al. 2007). Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) are perennial herbs that accumulate high herbage masses during late spring and summer (Powell et al 2007; Li and Kemp 2005). These perennial herbs are being used by farmers to supplement dairy cows over summer. However, there have been many cases of poor plant persistence with current management practices. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of two grazing frequencies (GF; 2 weeks and 4 weeks) on the herbage production and persistence of pure swards of chicory, plantain and a herb-clover mix (chicory, plantain, red and white clover) over a single growing season.
Navarrete, Soledad; Kemp, Peter D.; Back, Penny; Pain, Sarah J.; and Lee, Julia M., "Effect of Grazing Frequency by Dairy Cows on Herb Based Pastures" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 10.
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Effect of Grazing Frequency by Dairy Cows on Herb Based Pastures
Herbage production and quality of perennial ryegrass pastures is often limited over the summer months (Powell et al. 2007). Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) are perennial herbs that accumulate high herbage masses during late spring and summer (Powell et al 2007; Li and Kemp 2005). These perennial herbs are being used by farmers to supplement dairy cows over summer. However, there have been many cases of poor plant persistence with current management practices. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of two grazing frequencies (GF; 2 weeks and 4 weeks) on the herbage production and persistence of pure swards of chicory, plantain and a herb-clover mix (chicory, plantain, red and white clover) over a single growing season.