Track 2-12: Control and Management of Weeds and Diseases of Grass and Forage Systems
Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are considered the main pests of forage crops, particularly of the genus Brachiaria (Miles et al. 2006) with severe damage caused by the sucking of nymph and adult insects which often leads to reduced dry matter production and forage quality, and may result in death of the above-ground part of plants when spittlebug populations are high (Holmann and Peck 2002). In Brazil, spittlebug incidence is one of six major causes for degradation of Amazon pasture degradation.
This work was carried out to evaluate pastures conditions and spittlebug incidence on marandu grassland (B. brizantha cv. marandu) and Mombasa grassland (Panicum maximum) during ten months (from April 2012 to January 2013) in paddocks located on two farmers in Mojuí dos Campos, Pará, Brazil.
Vinente Guimarães, Andréa Krystina; Carvalho Evangelista, Daniel; and de Carvalho, Adenomar Neves, "Evaluation of Spittlebug Incidence on Two Grasslands from Mojui Dos Campos Para, Brazil" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 15.
Evaluation of Spittlebug Incidence on Two Grasslands from Mojui Dos Campos Para, Brazil
Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are considered the main pests of forage crops, particularly of the genus Brachiaria (Miles et al. 2006) with severe damage caused by the sucking of nymph and adult insects which often leads to reduced dry matter production and forage quality, and may result in death of the above-ground part of plants when spittlebug populations are high (Holmann and Peck 2002). In Brazil, spittlebug incidence is one of six major causes for degradation of Amazon pasture degradation.
This work was carried out to evaluate pastures conditions and spittlebug incidence on marandu grassland (B. brizantha cv. marandu) and Mombasa grassland (Panicum maximum) during ten months (from April 2012 to January 2013) in paddocks located on two farmers in Mojuí dos Campos, Pará, Brazil.