Track 2-12: Control and Management of Weeds and Diseases of Grass and Forage Systems


Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) is an introduced species which is planted in low productive semi-arid rangelands in northern Mexico to increase productivity and ranchers profit. Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) is a native half size shrub of low forage value that invades buffelgrass stands. Buffelgrass pastures lose productivity as brittlebush densities increase.

Once brittlebush infestations occur plant densities do not decline unless brush control practices are applied. Mechanical treatments are mainly used when grass seeding is needed. Prescribed burning and manual control as well as granular herbicides have resulted on good plant control. Most liquid herbicides are either not as effective for plant control or not economically feasibles. Tronador is a new released herbicide but no data is available for its use. This study was conducted to evaluate several doses of Tronador to control brittlebush infestations and measure buffelgrass forage responses.



Effectiveness of Tronador to Control Brittlebush in Buffelgrass Pastures at Central Sonora, México

Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) is an introduced species which is planted in low productive semi-arid rangelands in northern Mexico to increase productivity and ranchers profit. Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) is a native half size shrub of low forage value that invades buffelgrass stands. Buffelgrass pastures lose productivity as brittlebush densities increase.

Once brittlebush infestations occur plant densities do not decline unless brush control practices are applied. Mechanical treatments are mainly used when grass seeding is needed. Prescribed burning and manual control as well as granular herbicides have resulted on good plant control. Most liquid herbicides are either not as effective for plant control or not economically feasibles. Tronador is a new released herbicide but no data is available for its use. This study was conducted to evaluate several doses of Tronador to control brittlebush infestations and measure buffelgrass forage responses.